arxiv preprint – SongCreator: Lyrics-based Universal Song Generation

In this episode, we discuss SongCreator: Lyrics-based Universal Song Generation by Shun Lei, Yixuan Zhou, Boshi Tang, Max W. Y. Lam, Feng Liu, Hangyu Liu, Jingcheng Wu, Shiyin Kang, Zhiyong Wu, Helen Meng. The paper introduces SongCreator, a novel song-generation system designed to create songs with both vocals and accompaniment from given lyrics. This is achieved through a dual-sequence language model (DSLM) and an attention mask strategy, facilitating the model’s capability to understand, generate, and edit songs across various tasks. Experiments show that SongCreator achieves state-of-the-art or highly competitive results, particularly excelling in tasks like lyrics-to-song and lyrics-to-vocals, and offers control over acoustic conditions through different prompts.



